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Add Custom Fields / Edit field labels for Asset Records

The out-of-the-box implementation of Assetminder includes a standard asset record layout that includes standard asset data fields.

User organisations can customise the standard asset record to meet the specific requirements of the organisation.  In addition, customer fields can be added to the standard asset view when the Asset record is shown and, if needed, the layout for be modified for different asset sub types.

Field labels can be modified, to meet the user organisation requirements and the sequence in which they are presented on screen can also be changed to suit the unique requirements of an organisation.  Also, new data field can be created.

Most of the work in this area is completed during the implementation phase.  If changes are required, then as a first step, we ask you to contact the Assetminder Help Desk to discuss your requirements and to determine how best they can be met.  

Making an error with these changes could adversely affect the useability of Assetminder in your organisation and so it is that we would like to discuss your changes before any are made. 

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  1. Conor Gibson

  2. Posted
