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Add a SWOT to a Job Card

A SWOT is a standard repair job with expected labour hours to complete.

  • Single line SWOT - single repair task with an associated time and labour rate
  • Consolidated SWOT - made up of multiple repair task each with an associated time and labour rate

Prerequisites before completing this procedure

  • A job card must exist
  • At least one SWOT must exist

Open the job card and click the "+" symbol as identified below.

On clicking the "+" symbol, a sub-screen will be shown:

Clicking on the 'ADD SWOT TO JOB xx' will change the sub-screen to:

The user can now choose to add either a single-line SWOT, a consolidated SWOT, or both (through separate steps).

Clicking on whichever is chosen will allow the user to add from a list of single-line SWOTs or consolidated SWOTs.  Note that there are no standard SWOTs in Assetminder; the organisation will create the SWOTs as required and those that are created will then be available here.

Having selected the SWOT required, the user clicks on ADD TO JOB CARD.  If another SWOT is to be added to the job card, this is selected and again, the user chooses ADD TO JOB CARD.

When no further SWOT is to be added to the job card, the 'ADD TO JOB CARD' action is followed by clicking on EXIT THE PAGE

Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Conor Gibson

  2. Posted
