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Trial Guide 2 - Third-Party Vendors


To get the most from your Assetminder trial, follow these simple rules:

  1. Put dedicated time aside to trial the software - it's difficult to dig into the software properly if you only spend 5 minutes here and there.
  2. Include the planned power users in the trial - they will use the system more than anyone so they need to buy into it early.
  3. Write down all your questions - we have features and functions whereas you have business processes. It may take a follow-up call to figure out how we can fit the features into the business processes.

Trial Guide

The purpose of this trial guide is to navigate you through Assetminder in a logical order. This 8 step process will introduce you to the features used by our customers 90% of the time. Click into the red link to see each procedure.

1. Create a new asset - follow this procedure but when prompted for the reg, use a known vehicle registration. Make sure to assign an Asset Type and Subtype to the asset and note them down.

2. Create a PM for the asset - Try both time-based PM starting out. Make sure to make the PM available for the asset type in #1 above.

3. Switch to the mobile app to see what the drivers and mechanics will use. Log in and complete a driver inspection on mobile

4. Create a Job card against the asset. When creating the job card, you will be presented with the upcoming planned events for the asset. Include the PM you just created.

5. The job will be outsourced so convert the job card into a WAN (work order authorization number). 

6. Access the vendor portal and issue or authorize the work to the vendor

7. The vendor is now assigned the work. They would log into Assetminder and complete the work order. For this trial guide, pick another job card and complete to replicate what the vendor would do. 

8. Finally, run a standard report

That's it. Repeat 2-3 times to get a good feel for the system. If this guide didn't cover the functionality you need, we have 100+ procedures available on our knowledge centre that should cover anything you need.

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  1. Conor Gibson

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