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Add Header and Footer Branding

This procedure details the process to configure/change the header and footer on inspection reports, general reports, or invoices.

1. To add  or adjust the Header and Footer, click the Administrator Settings icon on the home screen

2. Click Enterprise

3. Click Header and Footer

4. A different header and footer can be added to the general report template, inspection report template, and invoice.

5. Click Select Image on the required template header or footer

6. Drag and Drop the image into the Image Upload window

7. When the image is dragged into the window, it still resides on the computer. Click Upload to add to the Assetminder database

8. If the file is not compatible, the system will give a warning. Correct the image file or format and retry

9. When the file uploads ok, click the image to assign it to the template.

10. Click Save when done

Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Conor Gibson

  2. Posted
