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Add a Vendor User


A vendor management user is anyone that completes work for this organisation while employed by a 3rd party. For example, the organization does light inspections and maintenance on the fleet, but use a 3rd party garage for all heavy maintenance such as overhauls. 


1. Click Suppliers on the home screen

2. Locate the vendor in the system. If the vendor does not exist, click New to add a new vendor to the system

3. Check the Restricted Vendor radio button to give the vendor access to the system

4. Fill in the customer account code and the labour rate. It is possible to set auto-approval and auto-authorise thresholds for trusted vendors

5. Each vendor can have up to 3 logins on either web or mobile. If the user email already exists in the database, the system will not create a duplicate user. Each user needs to be added once - they do not need to be added to both inspection and web

6. Check the Activate Vendor checkbox to make the vendor available to do work

7. Click Save when done

8. The vendor user receives a welcome email with their credentials.

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  1. Conor Gibson

  2. Posted
