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1. Convert a Job Card to a WAN


WAN stands for Work Authorization Number. In essence, converting a job card to a WAN is outsourcing the work to a vendor. A WAN creates a job card in the Vendor's system. The vendor must be using Assetminder to process the work. Note - any job cards that have been partially complete cannot be converted to a WAN. 

Prerequisites before completing this procedure

  1. Create a job card


1. Open the job card and click the menu button on the top left-hand side of the screen

2. Select the Job Convert to WAN option from the list

3. Select the assigned vendor from the dropdown list

4. Fill in the authorized limits for parts and labour

5. Click Obtain Quotation

6. The Job Card has been converted into a WAN. This means the work has been outsourced to a 3rd party vendor.

7. The next step is for the vendor to provide a quote for the work. Once the quote is received, the work can be authorised.

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  1. Conor Gibson

  2. Posted
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