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Release - v4.1.0 January 2025

Compliance / Defect Manager – Link the job number through to the job

You can now click on a job number in defect manager to open the job in a new tab. This is a HUGE improvement and leaves your defects screen where you left it.

Configuration / Planner status list is missing title headers

The planner statuses in configuration were missing headers to show what each column contained. Detail has been added to provide clarity.

Configuration / Option needed in user config to select all allowed VMUs for viewing jobs

A small but mighty tick box has been added to the user profile to 'View all allowed VMUs'. This will automatically tick 'All' for VMUs in the all jobs screen.

Customers / Contract Renewal Date

We have added a contract renewal section, with a date entry, within the customer record.

Jobs / Add Headers to Planned Instructions on a Job

Planned instructions within a Job were missing crucial headers. These have been added for more clarity.

Jobs / Warranty - Axle Maps - New UI

We have improved the axel map within the warranty screen for parts on a job.

Jobs / Starting/Ending order numbers appears in lower case on the invoice

Start and End order numbers appeared with incorrect capitalisation on the invoice. We've changed this, so it now shows in capitals, regardless of the case used.

Jobs / Purchase order section on a job cannot be scrolled down

When looking at POs on a job, if there were too many to fit on the screen, there wasn't an option to scroll. This has now been added.

Other Web Improvements

Configuration / Various UI Changes

We are in the process of updating the look and feel of the entire configuration area of Assetminder, making navigating through settings a breeze! Keep your eyes peeled for these changes coming over the next 2-3 releases.

Configuration / VIP User - Show planned events

VIP users could see a count of planned events but not the detail. This has changed and they can now be viewed, but not edited.

Jobs / Clocking Icons Need Removing on Job Estimates

On Job estimates, we have removed the clocking icons from the labour summary. These are not used in estimates and didn't have a purpose.

Jobs / Change Invoicee - Hide Inactive Customers

When changing an invoicee on a job, you could still see inactive customers in the list. We have made improvements to this, and they are now hidden and won't appear in the list to select.

Jobs / Prevent Warranty User from Creating New Asset

Warranty Users should not be able to create new assets. We have now put a stop to this!

Purchase Orders / Disable POs on catalogue stock enterprise

POs have been disabled in all areas for catalogue stock customers.

Stock / Stock Return - Add new supplier reference

On stock returns, we have added another reason for return and renamed the header to a more meaningful 'Reason for Return' (was Supplier Ref)

And some XB Planner changes

Right Menu - Remove Event Statuses

Event statuses have been removed from the xb planner to streamline.

Move 3 Views Buttons (Planner/Assignment/Bays) To Left Menu

Further streamlining of the xb planner by moving the 3 'view' buttons to sit within the left-hand menu.

Change Planner Status Indicator from Square to Circle

A slight cosmetic change on the planner status, changing from a square to a circle

System Fixes

  • We had a niggle with the sync with clocking management, between the app and web. This has been fixed.
  • We had reports of Instructions favourites not being able to be edited. This has been resolved.
  • When planned events were closed from within a job, an incorrect status was being selected. This has been rectified.
  • We had various cosmetic issues with assets created using the NVD lookup, which would show until the asset was saved again. These have been fixed.
  • Inspection approvals have been sorted into date order, with the most recent inspections at the top of the list.
  • Email templates were not saving correctly. This has now been resolved.
  • The option for 'Hide date and time' on inspections did a vanishing act! We have now added it back in to allow selection within an inspection template.
  • We had an issue preventing our customers from editing a user if they were at the maximum for their licences. This has been resolved.
  • Customers were occasionally receiving an error when trying to create new users, despite having spare licences. This has been fixed.
  • Incorrect figures were being shown for parts on order and total parts on job cards. This has been rectified.
  • On Instruction favourites, when selecting from the axel map, it wouldn't also allow selection of a favourite instruction. We have resolved this, and both can now be added together.
  • The Job creation time was showing an hour behind. We have now updated this, and times should show correctly.
  • Users were seeing an error when clicking sales margin report after adding parts to a job. We have fixed this issue.
  • A handful of customers reported an issue with the side menu vanishing when zoomed in. This has been fixed.
  • When adding an Instruction favourite and hitting enter, an error would appear. This has been fixed.
  • Editing an instruction favourite was proving troublesome! We've tweaked it to ensure this is now functioning correctly.
  • We have ensured that parts can now be deleted from a PO within a job.
  • We had a gremlin! It was allowing a new part to be created when selecting add part. This shouldn't be allowed, and we have removed this option (except for catalogue stock enterprises)
  • We have fixed an issue with the cost price of a part not updating the stock record correctly, when ordered outside of a job.
  • When receiving parts on a PO, the QTY box had 0.0 already populated. This has been removed, leaving it blank, forcing entry of a number to ensure accuracy.
  • We have fixed the hyperlink between a sales order estimate and the associated sales order. Users reported getting an error when trying to view.
  • We've fixed an issue with inconsistencies in rounding on Sales Order Invoice totals, which was causing an issue when importing into sage.
  • We have fixed an issue with notes not appearing in full on a stock return advice note.
  • In the all stock screen, the currency symbol has been removed to eliminate confusion with the euro symbol.
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  1. Jade Cathrine

  2. Posted
