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Access Sync Failed Items


By default, Assetminder app automatically syncs with your Assetminder Account every 30 seconds unless a trigger-based event has forced a sync sooner. However, when working offline, the data on the device will differ to the data in the database. The longer the user is using the app offline, the more data will be out of sync. When the mobile is reconnected to an internet connection, the data is synced.

An item will fail to sync if there is a discrepancy in the database. For example:

  1. A job card is created on the web app
  2. The technician starts working on the job card on mobile
  3. The admin signs off the work on the web app in their name
  4. The technician then signs off the defects on the mobile app in their name


1. On the mobile homepage, click the arrow to move to the next page

2. Click Settings

3. Click Sync Failed Items

4. Failed items will be displayed in the Sync Failed Items Screen

Choose files or drag and drop files
  1. Conor Gibson

  2. Posted
