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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know so you can use Assetminder like a pro

  • How do I change a Username / Email?

    The username/email is the user's unique access name to the system. It is not possible to update the username on the front end. It must be updated by Assetminder tech support on the back end.  1. To u...

  • How often do Assetminder release?

    Assetminder product releases occur every ~4 weeks with a host of new product improvements and feature enhancements. * Minor releases happen every ~4 weeks for small items like fixes, improvements, ...

  • Can I Delete Data?

    Deleting data in any database is always risky as the wrong data may be deleted. Also, deleting data may leave holes in the database. For example, if a vehicle is deleted from the database, the job car...

  • Can I Change Language?

    Yes, Assetminder can be translated into other languages. The language is set on the enterprise level, meaning all users of the system get the same language.  The keys in the system must be translated...

  • Forgotten Password

    * Non-Admin Users - contact your system administrator and ask them to re-generate a password for you [].  * System Administra...

  • How do I Backup my Database?

    Assetminder is cloud-based software meaning the vendor owns the security, backups, upgrades, and hosting of the system. Assetminder is fully integrated with Amazon EC2 cloud and is backed by EC2 stand...

  • Can I print an asset label/barcode?

    It is not possible to print barcode labels in Assetminder. It is possible to generate the barcode using another system such as a 3rd party barcode generator. 1. Google barcode generator [img src="ht...

  • I Cannot Log in to the System Troubleshooting Guide

    There are a number of reasons why a user cannot log in: 1. USERNAME OR PASSWORD INCORRECT Verify you are using the correct credentials. 2. CASE-SENSITIVE USERNAMES AND PASSWORDS  Login credentials...

  • Update a Driver's Licence Information

    1. Click the Administrator Settings icon on the home screen [img src=""] 2. Select Users from the admin list [img src="...

  • Grey/Blank Screen when accessing Purchasing, Stock, or Dundas Reports when using Google Chrome

    ISSUE:  When accessing Stock, Purchasing, or Dundas reports using Google Chrome browsers, the user gets the following grey screen: [img src="